In general, laser cutting machines should be able to engrave and mark. In fact, the only difference between cutting, engraving and marking is the depth of the laser cutting machine and how it changes the overall appearance of the material. In laser cutting, the heat from the laser will always pass through the material. However, this is not the case for laser marking and laser engraving.

The laser marking machine can change the color of the laser material surface, while the laser cutting machine engraving and etching can remove some materials. The main difference between engraving and etching is the depth of laser penetration.

Can laser cutting machine also be used for carving?

This is the difference between marking and engraving:

Laser marking machine: In laser marking, the laser will not completely pass through the material, but will only change the characteristics or appearance of the material. The laser produces a high contrast marker because the heat of the laser redistributes the carbon in the material.

Laser engraving: In laser engraving, the beam physically removes the surface of the material, leaving a cavity that can show your design. The laser heats the material to a very high temperature, causing it to evaporate and form a cavity.

The difference of laser cutting machine lies in the type of laser in other machines, and the type of laser determines the type of material thickness that can be cut by laser. In general, high-power lasers will be ideal for professional applications and require cutting large quantities of plastic or metal. On the other hand, low power lasers are effective for thinner materials such as plastics, cardstock, paper and wood.