With the quiet popularity of the luxury market, leather goods such as bags, leather cases, etc., which are exquisite, elegant and fashionable, are widely sought after by people. People no longer only regard the source of leather materials as the only standard to measure the value of the item, but also the design concept, production method, craft use, etc. of the item. At present, many manufacturers are starting to meet the trend of diversification, high-end and popularization of the leather goods market, from the change of production methods, the transformation of production mode, to the replacement of machinery and equipment. There are obvious signs of change, and in order to maintain this trend, the leather laser cutting machine is particularly important.

Since the birth of laser technology, it has been widely used in the leather goods industry. The cutting, engraving and hollowing out of leather goods such as luggage, gloves, shoe uppers and leather hats are inseparable from laser cutting machines. The advanced technology of laser cutting machines and modern processing The model is enough to lead the trend of the entire leather goods industry. As a big country of leather goods, leather goods have become a part of people's daily life, so it is reasonable that leather laser cutting machines have received such attention.

The reason why the leather goods laser cutting machine is so popular is justified. In the past, when some leather goods processing machines cut, engraved and hollowed out leather goods, the cutting section always turned yellow and black, and the engraving surface appeared burnt and smelly. etc. phenomenon. What's more deadly is that when hollowing out leather goods, because the precision of the machine itself cannot meet the processing requirements, the hollow pattern and pattern lines are not clear, and the surface has dark spots and other fuzzy phenomena. Perfection is far from perfect, so there's a reason why leather laser cutters are treated so well as soon as they enter the business.

Leather laser cutting machine has good stability, high precision and fast cutting speed; narrow slit and small deformation of workpiece; it is a kind of non-contact processing with high energy and good density controllability; it has a wide range of adaptability and flexibility, which is suitable for It is very important for the leather goods industry. Whether it is the stability of the laser cutting machine, its accuracy, or even its cutting speed, it may cause a small storm in the leather industry, because the competition pressure in the leather goods market is too great