For many formal enterprises or R&D manufacturers, the most worrying thing is that others counterfeit and infringe their product designs, and these counterfeit and shoddy products will also harm the interests of consumers. With the rapid development of science and technology, the emergence of laser marking machines has shown many advantages in the current anti-counterfeit work. The main advantages lie in the following aspects:
1. Most of the laser marking machines will be equipped with the principle of ultraviolet laser, so they have the effect of anti-counterfeiting and tracing, have changed the original production process, have a strong anti-counterfeiting method, and can achieve the overall anti-counterfeiting effect. For formal enterprises, it can reflect the role of tracing and anti-counterfeiting, so that counterfeiters have no place to start laser marking machines. At present, the main role is to achieve anti-counterfeiting on product batch number or production date.
2. The laser marking machine has many functions. For example, from the perspective of anti-counterfeiting, it has many effects. For the counterfeiter, there is no way to find the secret from it. In addition, it can also make the printing clearer, which has the same effect for a long time. Generally, the marking machine will choose the way of ink. At this time, the ink will fall off. For small and medium-sized manufacturers, It is impossible to distinguish the true from the false, which will also affect the normal use.
Choose a laser marking machine to stop counterfeiting, and say NO to infringement and counterfeiting!
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